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A Midsummer Nights Dream

A Midsummer Night's Dream

by William Shakespeare

27th - 29th June 2023

at Newhampton Arts Centre

From the hilarious mischief of the elf Puck to the rough humour of the self-centred Bottom and his fellow players, from the palace of Theseus in Athens to the magic wood where fairies play, Shakespeare's marvellous "A Midsummer Night's Dream "is a play of enchantment and an insightful portrait of the predicaments of love.


Theseus - John Frost
Hippolyta - Leah Griffiths
Egeus - Andy Alsop
Hermia - Caitlin Sayce
Lysander - Adam Davies
Demetrius - Matthew Barnes
Helena - Sarah Carter 
Quince - Emily Chell
Bottom - Kevin Porter
Flute - Benjamin Martin Savage 
Starveling - George Holt
Snout - Richard Corser
Snug - Stephen Read
Cobweb - Jane Fosbrook
Peaseblossom - Maggie Smith
Mustardseed - Chris Porter
Puck - Immy Wood
Oberon - Ian Harley
Titania - Suzanne Smith


Director - Jane Alsop
Stage Manager and Properties - Anna Wright
Assistant Stage Managers - Maz Taylor, Maggie Smith
Sound and Lighting - Martin Smith
Prompt - Ann Bickley
Set Construction - Andy Alsop
Scenic Artist - Stuart Goodier
Original Music - Stephen Read
Costume - Chris Porter, Jane Fosbrook, Members of the Society
Front of House Manager - Patrick Bentley
Front of House - Members of the society



