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Studio 61 Health & Safety Policy

The S61 Committee is fully committed to ensuring the provision of a healthy and safe environment for its members and audiences.

It is the intention of S61, so far as is reasonably practicable to:-

  • Provide an environment that is safe and without risk to health and meets the statutory requirements for the provision of facilities and welfare arrangements.
  • Provide safe systems of work giving consideration to materials used and working methods.
  • Provide training, instruction and information to enable members and volunteers to perform their tasks safely and to carry out their health and safety responsibilities efficiently.
  • Provide safe systems of work and make available all necessary safety devices and personal protective equipment and clothing.
  • To identify potential hazards, through risk assessment, and reduce the risk where feasible and eliminate hazards found.
  • To review and up-date the Health & Safety Policy as when necessary and to maintain a constant and continuing interest in Health & Safety matters applicable to our activities.
  • Provide adequate support and supervision taking into account inexperience, immaturity, identified special needs or health conditions.

Health & Safety at Work - procedures, roles and responsibilities

The person with overall responsibility for health and safety is the Chairman: this includes risk assessments and implementing action plans. The Chairman is also responsible disseminating health and safety updates in a timely manner. H&S will be an agenda item at each committee meeting.

All members of the committee and members have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy by:-

  • Taking reasonable steps to protect the health & safety of themselves, and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
  • Reporting any incidents that has led – or may lead – to injury or damage and to assist in the investigation of any accidents with the objective of introducing preventative measures.
  • Adhering to procedures for securing a safe environment in which to work.
  • Co-operating with others to ensure that any duty or requirement under any relevant legislation is complied with



Name and position: Maggie Smith, H&S Lead/Chairman

Date: 8th November 2023

Review Date: November 2024